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Changing a seed on a server [Non-Multiverse]

A comprehensive guide to changing the seed of your server


This guide will help you change/rotate the seed of your minecraft world


Steps to logging into SFTP

1. Getting the credentials for your server

  1. Go to the Kiwi Hosting Management Panel
  2. Navigate to your server

2. Stop your server

  1. Press the “Stop” button on the top right of the panel. Power

3. Modify the seed in

  1. Go to the Files tab on your server
  2. Go to the file
  3. Find the “level-seed” property
  4. Change the value to the seed you want (set it to "" if you want to rotate the seed)
  5. Save the file
  6. Delete the world folder (world, world_nether, world_the_end if you are on spigot/paper/purpur etc. This is a required step.)

2. Start your server

  1. Press the “Start” button on the top right of the panel. Power


By resetting or setting the seed of your world, you can change how the default generation is handled.